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What is VeryGreen™?

Sustainable solutions designed for customers’ needs. We are committed to finding and using materials that comply with sustainable principles to reduce the impact on the environment and promote green industries. In this challenging era, we regard sustainable materials as a key area of innovation and continue to pursue greener and more sustainable products and solutions.


Conventional polymers are made by fossil fuels which are finite resources. Bio-based polymers are materials produced from renewable resources, such as agricultural products, algae, bacteria or plant wastes. VeryGreen offers a wide range approaches that helps our customers to add the bio-based into their products.
See more bio-based products in MassBlendTM
GradeBase PolymerBio-basedRecommendation


Biodegradable polymers can be decomposed by the action of living organisms, usually microbes, into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. Biodegradable is a broad definition. In the commercial market, compost is a more popular standard which requires specific temperature and humidity. The whole process needs to be completed within certain time.

Circular Economy

Circular economy is a regenerative system that reduces resources, wastes, and emissions by slowing, closing, shrinking material and energy cycles. Closed-loop recycling is the manufacturing process that leverages the recycling and reuse of post-consumer products to supply the material used to create a new version of the same product. VeryGreen helps our customers to achieve closed-loop recycling.

Global Recycle Standard (GRS)

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of Recycled Content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices, and chemical restrictions. The goal of the GRS is to increase use of Recycled materials in products and reduce/eliminate the harm caused by its production.
Polyalloy is certified with GRS that can provide transaction certificates (TC).